佐治亚理工学院网络安全暑期学校的招募通知(Applications for the 2022 Cybersecurity Summer Institute (CSI) at the Georgia Institute of Technology are now open!)


Applications for the 2022 Cybersecurity Summer Institute (CSI) at the Georgia Institute of Technology (August 1 - 7) are now open! PhD students or advanced Master’s students interested in combining their research in cybersecurity and the social sciences are welcome to apply! 

This summer school will give you an opportunity to 1) build an exciting interdisciplinary project, 2) expand your research network and form mentorship with leading experts in the field, 3) hear what an exciting range of speakers from the field have to say! You can learn more about the CSI program by visiting our official page. For application details, please visit our Apply page.

We welcome Ph.D. student applicants interested in research topics related to cybersecurity. CSI is particularly interested in members of groups that have been historically underrepresented in the field of cybersecurity. We are also interested in receiving applications from individuals who are studying or working at institutions where coursework in cybersecurity is not regularly offered.

There is no tuition for the summer school, and we are planning to cover most of your travel expenses by offering a stipend to all students selected to join us in the City of Atlanta in the summer.

The deadline for the applications is March 15, 2022, 11:59 PM (EST time zone). Our website will cease receiving any new applications after the deadline. 


Best Regards, 

GA-Tech Cybersecurity Summer Institute