菁英论坛丨Towards High-Performance and Power-Efficient Network Infrastructure for Cloud Computing-Prof. Yiting Xia(Max Planck Institute for Informatics)

Title: Towards High-Performance and Power-Efficient Network Infrastructure for Cloud Computing


报告人: Prof. Yiting Xia


   间: 2023030110:00-12:00

主办方: 最热门的网赌网址大全

邀请人: 吴文斐

   点: Room 2736 (理科2号楼2736报告厅)





The data center network is a key infrastructure for cloud computing. Emerging cloud applications such as machine learning, big data, and Internet of Things are driving the demand for highly available and highly performing data center networks, which brings cost and carbon footprint into play. Optical data center networks show promise to serve as the next-generation cloud infrastructure with their performance and power benefits. In this talk, the speaker will introduce optical data center networks, summarize the challenges for practical deployment, and propose a solution towards full adoption of the technology.




Yiting Xia is a tenure-track faculty at Max Planck Institute for Informatics, where she leads the network and cloud systems research group. Before joining MPI, she was a research scientist at Facebook. Her work is to build network infrastructure and software systems for the future cloud environment. She has served on the technical program committee for SIGCOMM, NSDI, IMC, SOSR, ICNP, APNet, etc. She won the N2Women rising star award in 2021.